Golden poison dart frogs

Golden poison dart frogs live in Colombia, Guyana, northern Brazil and also Venezuela. They are 1.3 to 5.1 centimeters long. They eat flies, ants, beetles, spiders, mites, caterpillars, and maggots. Tadpoles eat algae, carrion and even other smaller tadpoles. Their skin has enough poison to kill 20000 mice or 10 people. Never touch it! Their scientific name is Phyllobates terribilis.  Other names are golden poison frogs, and golden poison arrow frog. Up to 40 people are bitten each year but there have only been 13 recorded deaths, and none since an anti-venom came out in 1981. They can live for up to 15 years.




  • Indigenous people rubbed their poison on their arrows!
  • They have a bony tooth-like thing on their jaw.