Myths and Legends

Hello world it is me ethant36 and today I will be talking about my myths and legends unit. We were asked to make one of three things. The three things were: 1. Make a project on a culture and their myths 2.  Create your own myth or legend 3. Make your own character and make an origin story for it. I chose option three. Here is my drawing for mine:

Here is its origin story:

The Rodrakka is a monster that lives in a cave in Zimbabwe. It is very dangerous; the heads are hard to kill because 2 come back if you chop one. On the stomach it has  a washing machine-like thing that can spew out a deadly venom. That’s not all. The feet are also boiling hot (100 degrees celsius) so they make it hard to get at it plus each three mouths a deadly, poisonous bite plus arms that can easily crush you plus it is 16 meters tall which makes it hard to get at the heads (you’ll see why that matters very soon. The only way to kill the Rodrakka is by using a kitchen knife and you have to get to the top (shooting it doesn’t work) and then you have to chop all three heads off (unless there are more) before they get a chance to grow back.

One thought on “Myths and Legends

  1. Oh diddly doo that rodrakka was very scary! a head grows back every time you cut it off. Hmm i wonder why the kitchen knife? A washing machine for a body is very strange. 100 degrees C is quite hot!

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